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About Me

Luis Nicolas Jachmann

Journalist. Video Artist. Storyteller. 

I always dreamt of working as a journalist for television or radio - never forgetting the claim to work as scientific as possible in the field of media coverage.

It is indispensable in our times to overcome purely national oriented journalism and to lift it to a supranational level. Economics, politics and culture become more and more globalized. That is why I already took part in the European radio project Europhonica that brings together teams from different member states who do live radio shows inside the parliament. We are facing a period where fake news shock a broad serious working branch. Media coverage that is shared by different joint journalistic institutions can achieve regaining the audience's confidence. 

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Who could have thought about TV journalists broadcasting live for a Facebook show only equipped with an iPhone to film themselves standing in the center of a demonstration at Nation in Paris? Those tendencies will even increase: Journalists won't work the whole day sitting at their writing desk waiting for new information to come. Media coverage will be more flexible and spontaneously reacting to major events within few minutes. The decisive motto within the scope of a competition between media stations will be: Who is the fastest one to report and therefore inform the audience? It is obvious that the evolution of the internet contributes to the speed-up of direct media coverage. To sum up the use of applications increases, digital tools will rule and a ubiquitous journalists unifying various skills in social media coverage, photographing and writing are needed. We also face the difficulty that the transition between professional journalists and fake writers becomes less transparent.


As I finished high school, I already knew what

I would like to be working for when I am older.

One day I want to use my existing talent and

my received journalistic skills to write, talk and

shoot footage about social and political issues

that are faced by major and minor parts of society.

The main question was rather about how to get

to this point and how to learn as much as I can

about political structures and governance before

I see myself ready to communicate. Before I can

apply and share my knowledge in a proper way

to make those issues understandable for the

audience, I needed to broaden my mind -

especially in a complex, digital and global world

whose changes impact our daily life and the way

we behave in a multiple social network.

Therefore, I decided to study social and political

science in order to get to know theories and

empirical evidences of social patterns of humankind. 


I would be glad to represent a modern kind of

journalism that does not know borders, constrains

in terms of language but rather appreciates positive

cooperation effects. I like the approach to do some

research to really be a kind of a semi-expert of a topic –

followed by field work, personal encounters and

shared experience. As a journalist I think you have

a responsibility to represent the perceived truth

as you try to mirror some patterns of daily objectivity.

And when it comes to personal opinions, it should also include a subjective perception. You should be open towards stories of a local as well of a global dimension. The best possible approach as a journalist is a humanistic one that represents different perspectives of societal change. That way you can contribute to a human globalization that connects people from various cultural backgrounds.

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